Wednesday, April 28, 2010

laura cristina and i went to see third eye blind yesterday.

(so this pic is a bit awkward because it was taken by a creep rando...which is explained in #3)

here are my thoughts about the concert --
  1. third eye blind has made new music since the 90' we only knew maybe 4 songs out of the entire set.
  2. stephan jenkins is super cute! oh wait...he's only 14 months younger than my mother. awkiewarddd
  3. probs the weirdest crowd i've seen at a concert. either 3eb's new stuff has attracted weirdos or this is what the true urbana crowd looks like. either way...oye
  4. balcony seats at canopy = greaaaat. perf for short lazy ppl (not that i'm either of those..). we got to see everything and not have to stand. here's the view --

(and i took this picture while still sitting!)

but it was a pretty fun evening overall. we balcony drank beforehand and had an amaaazing meal at bread company (which included a yummy glass of sangria!) i'll talk about the meal another time but here are some pics:

yes, i realize the first one turned a bit too food-porny. even i am a bit grossed out....sorriezz. but that pizza-- OMGEEZY. SO AMAZING.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Smoked pork pozole at Radio Maria

Aside from the bad service that's expected at radio maria (oh you know-- 20+ minutes to get food and laura had to wait an extra 10 for hollondaise...) this was delishhh. The broth was light but full of bright, zesty flavors. it worked extremely well with the rich, salty and smokey pork (of which I got the deliciously crispy end!!). It was also served with beer bread which was more like buttery toasted cornbread. It was exactly what I wanted this morning -- something yummy, satisfying but not too much to give me a tummy ache. If you're not in a hurry and patient w lack-luster service...def get this for brunch
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

graham elliot bowles and i have the same glasses. wuddup.

(altho i wonder how i should feel knowing that my style of frames legit are for erm, "large" faces....)

anywho i love him. he cooks well, can dress as a chippendale for halloween (NSFW), and wears chanel glasses. ohhhh and he's cooking at lolla again. so random/interesting. <3 <3 <3

Monday, April 19, 2010

"result: a rainbow-tastic candy massacre"

this dude was driving and came across this pile of crushed gobstoppers. kinda gross/trippy/fun/delicious-looking all at the same time...

(from flickr via serious eats)

when a whoopie pie and a cupcake fall in love...

they make whoopie pie cupcakes!

ok ok, so it might be the fact that i may be going a bit loopy sitting in the same seat at starbucks for the past 3 hours...but i found this extreeeemely cute and even giggled out loud a bit. (other factors maybe the fun font, pretty colors, or really lame play on the word whoopie...)

(via serious eats)

oooooooo i wanna try this!!

awesomeness:100. practicality: 0.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

jimmy fallon spoofing glee = complete hilariousness.

a nifty kitchen gaget involving cafeine?!? actually maybe not that cool..

i present to you the mypressi twist. this little gadget makes shots of esspresso with the help of nitrous oxide. you can see a vid of how it works here

at first i was like wowww. but then as i read about it, the more i started to become less impressed.

first off -- you have to add boiling water. secondly, it only makes one shot at a time meaning you have to clean out and refill the gadget at least twice for a decent cup o' drink. andd on top of that -- you have to buy NO2 cartridges, which i'm sure aren't that cheap.

i kinda think a french press is still the better way to go. you still get strong product, it's just as easy to use, and you don't have to fuss with or buy a bunch of parts (plus its cheaper to begin with).

although cool looking and interesting, i think its a pass.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chicago Magazine's list of Best Restaurants in Chicago, Ever

1. Alinea
2. Le Francais
3. Charlie Trotter's
4. Frontera Grill and Topolobampo
5. Spiaggia
6. Trio
7. Ambria
8. Morton's The Steakhouse*
9. Gordon
10. Pizzeria Uno*
11. Avec
12. Carlos'*
13. The Bakery
14. Blackbird*
15. Cafe Ba-Ba-Reeba!*
16. Everest
17. Arun's
18. The Pump Room
19. Yoshi's Cafe
20. Gibsons Steakhouse
21. Jacues
22. Fritzel's
23. Carson's*
24. Gene & Georgetti's
25. Cape Cod Room
26. Le Perroquet
27. Eli's Place for Steak
28. Jimmy's Place
29. College Inn
30. Shangri-La
31. The Berghoff
32. Henrici's
33. Hackney's on Harms*
34. Alexander's Steak House
35. Gladys Holcomb's Home Cooking
36. Manny's Coffee Shop & Deli*
37. Don Roth's Blackhawk
38. Red Star Inn
39. Fanny's
40. Wing Yee
*=where swongy has been to.

andd i've only ate at 8 of them. :( but honestly...a bunch of them don't sound too great. like all of those steak places -- eh, over it. but alineaaa. maybe i can go for the bday.

(list via grub street chicago)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

lea michele at the glee premiere vs martha stewart at good housekeeping's 125th anniversary.

hmmm a young actress at a premiere of the biggest tv hit or a past-middle aged woman celebrating some magazine that's been around for over a century. lea should obviously be the one with the better look. but sadly...take a lookie

sorry, i love you lea but you looks like a wannabe cool mom with that crazy hair (slash i actually know moms with bangs like that..). and that dress...bleh. maybe if it was hemmed correctly and your hair was more modern?

but yay for ms stewart! she looks so fab and age appropriate. and those shiney gold pants - FUN FUN FUN. but downplayed nicely with clean, simple make up and jewelery.

(pics from and huffington post)
^saw her outfit on perez but i wanted a picture that wasn't written on lol
with all of this talk about kfc's double down, i really want to try one now.

maybe after may 1st...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"I ordered a pizza at Papa John's and asked for extra peppers.."

ahahahahhahahhaha. totally asking for extra peppers now.

(via serious eats)
Chicago's Best Flights - Grub Street Chicago

let's do these this summer.

denim moto jacket..?

i'm still looking for a denim jacket-y thingy. it went from wanting a jacket to a shirt to me just giving up. i didn't like how stiff denim jackets were and the shirts didn't have enough structure and just looked like i was throwin on a rando boy's shirt and walk of shaming.

after a shopping adventure with caroline and reading this article by fabsugar, it's gotten me thinking i should look beyond the jacket and consider something different.

cue in the alternatives i found.


american eagle



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tender Greens

sooo finally getting around to sharing some meals i had in LA. here it goes -

i'll give it to them. food in LA is pretty awesome. i really wanted to just think the food scene would be like most things in LA -- pretty superficial and all about the showiness with very little legit substance. while famous names and huge restaurant groups are huge part in LA's food scene, there's are a ton of smaller places with really good food (and prices!!). one of the best examples of this was tender greens.

matthew and i randomly found this place were aimlessly driving around wanting a salad.

the decor was clean and modern, with light wood floors and booths and windows everywhere. but honestly, after being in LA for a few days I wasn't that impressed. i mean, c'mon this is the area where even the convenience stores have cute logos interiors.

after reading through the confusing menu board, i chose the salmon nicoise (it was supposed to be tuna but they were having issues with their local tuna supplier so they were substituting salmon in the meantime. yeah, for reals. LA's consciousness about food is redonk.) the reason i say the menu board was confusing is because as we walked down the line from to go and pay, we saw all of theses crazy delicious-looking goodies we missed out on - a kobe beef sandwich , mashed potatoes, roasted root veggies, breads, lemon and thyme chicken soup, and more. the board wasn't organized well for us to really know what they had. sadness

but with that said, the salmon nicoise was a great choice. my only semi-complaint i had was my salmon was grilled-to-order, which made me wait a little longer. that kind of sucked because i had to wait in the front, super-hungry, and checking out everybody else's amazing orders and the dessert case. (and i think they were conspiring to get me to buy 5 cupcakes haha.)

but all joking aside, it was seriously okay. i'd rather have a freshly cooked piece of fish than save a few minutes of awkwardness and have a gross overcooked piece.

so this is what i finally got --

(my camera being semi-decent. woooot)
i love nicoise salads because there is so much going on. salty capers and olives, sweet sherry vinegarette, crisp/fresh green beans and tomatoes, tender greens (hehe), and rich roasted potatoes. and like i said earlier-- they added everything to-order so the potatoes and fish were warm while the greens were room temp and the veggies were cold. it added another layer of complexity to the dish. me, temperature and texture freak really appreciated it. and the quail egg and toast were just some more yummy bonuses.

there's not really much more to say about the culinary aspect of this because nicoise salads are pretty standard and this wasn't much a huge variation on it. but what was extremely great was how well this was done and how reasonable the price was. it really shows how important good quality local ingredients are to a meal.

this salad and a hibiscus tea was $13 and some change. pretty amazing. too bad i can't try other items on their menu. if you're in the LA area def check it out and lemme know :)

Rachel Bilson in Preen

(picture from the huffington post)

i always love rachel bilson. i mean, i was team anna in the first season but w/e.

this outfit is awesome. love the structured top mixed with the free flowing ruffles. the thick neoprene-y material makes this dress sporty but it's still chic with the feminine ruffles and bra-like top. and the neutral color with her cool toned make up is so prettyyyyyyy

but this dress retails for $1700?!??! redic.

(ps i kinda want nude patent leather pumps now...)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

new jm...

too bad i'm not going to his concert next month..

but yeah, i'm not really digging it that much. its kind of boring. but i'm sure if i were there seeing it live i'd be in love with it.


woooo viral youtube videos

ak;sfjafhl;aweflkjalfsd CRIZAZY.

(via bwe blog)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Food and Wine's Best New Chefs 2010

(via yumsugar)

wooooooo blackbird!! went there over winter break :)
beer. bourbon. bbq.

holy jesus.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

swong's choice for the ncaa national champion team.

ya, so i don't really care much about sports. i'm a fairweather fan and i don't deny it. the only reasons i go to sporting events are because they're excuses to DD, to hang out with friends and to know what people are talking about in convos about them.

when illinois isn't playing, i ask the following questions to decide who to cheer for:
  • is the school in the big ten?
  • have i heard of this school before?
  • do i like their school colors?
  • how fun are their head coaches?
soooo who do i want to win monday's game....? lets compare the two teams.

duke --
  • no, it's in the ACC.
  • yep, applied there. one of my fav blogger (and ppl in general), sarah, goes there. and scheyer went to my high school.
  • duke blue is really pretty
  • coach K is a legend. it's really funny to watch him when he gets angry too.
butler --
  • nope. don't even know what conference it's in.
  • i've heard of it...
  • their blue is alright. kinda boring and dull compared to duke's tho.
  • omg brad stevens is super interesting. please check out his wiki page. he has an econ major from depauw and worked at eli lily. he quit that to become a volunteer high school coach and worked his way to become the head coach for butler (in the meantime working at applebee's to pay the bills). oh and he's only 33 but totally looks like he could be 20.
ok, so the only thing butler has going for them is their coach.

but c'mon. seriously.

look at him.


so yeah, it's between the school with the prettier blue whose games i have actually watched before and the school i know veeeerry little about but have a cute, nerdy head coach.

clearly, i'm having a hard time choosing.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some legit cool events going on in the c-u

Some more awesome finds in the DI..I clearly have great study skillz
1. There's another art theater..and it serves wine and beer! They're having a free showing of the director's cut of donnie darko this saturday. I mean, donnie darko isn't my cup of tea but it cool that this theater is showing "cool" movies like this (and serves alch!) ill be home this weekend anyway but Ill def keep checking out what they have in the following weeks. [The art theater, 126 Church st]
2. Ebertfest. This was going on when I first visited here senior year of hs. I remember cuz our hotel wasd filled w random ppl all wearing ebertfest shirts. I'm gonna google the movies but so far "Synecdoche, New York" looks interesting. I actually don't know anything bout the plotline but the pic shows that it stars phillip seymore hoffman! Haha I suck.. [April 21-25, Virginia theater]
3. Cory chisel is gonna be in town this friday. But again..I'm gonna be home. If u want something diff to do..(maybe make it a fun pregame?) check him out. I heard about him from metromix a few years back. He's kinda blues-y, kinda folk-y, and he has a pretty sweet raspy voice. [April 2nd, 10pm, Cowboy Monkey]
4. 5th annual C-U edible books festival. Don't know anything about it. Will def google it later. But "edible books"..? Does that mean there will be eating involved?!?! Too bad I have class/sleep to do on tuesdays :( [april 6th, 12pm, University YMCA on wright]
4. Pokemon fan club at the rantoul public library :) :) [april 7, 5:30pm, rantoul public library]

(I realized that every event detail basically has me saying "idk much about it..I will google". Sorry ill edit this post later w better info)
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This could be interesting!

And it falls during moms weekend too! Oh, and if u couldn't tell I'm checking out the DI instead of studying..whoops
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Now that free coffee mondays at DD's is over..

There's now free coffee fridays at clys! Score.
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