Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some legit cool events going on in the c-u

Some more awesome finds in the DI..I clearly have great study skillz
1. There's another art theater..and it serves wine and beer! They're having a free showing of the director's cut of donnie darko this saturday. I mean, donnie darko isn't my cup of tea but it cool that this theater is showing "cool" movies like this (and serves alch!) ill be home this weekend anyway but Ill def keep checking out what they have in the following weeks. [The art theater, 126 Church st]
2. Ebertfest. This was going on when I first visited here senior year of hs. I remember cuz our hotel wasd filled w random ppl all wearing ebertfest shirts. I'm gonna google the movies but so far "Synecdoche, New York" looks interesting. I actually don't know anything bout the plotline but the pic shows that it stars phillip seymore hoffman! Haha I suck.. [April 21-25, Virginia theater]
3. Cory chisel is gonna be in town this friday. But again..I'm gonna be home. If u want something diff to do..(maybe make it a fun pregame?) check him out. I heard about him from metromix a few years back. He's kinda blues-y, kinda folk-y, and he has a pretty sweet raspy voice. [April 2nd, 10pm, Cowboy Monkey]
4. 5th annual C-U edible books festival. Don't know anything about it. Will def google it later. But "edible books"..? Does that mean there will be eating involved?!?! Too bad I have class/sleep to do on tuesdays :( [april 6th, 12pm, University YMCA on wright]
4. Pokemon fan club at the rantoul public library :) :) [april 7, 5:30pm, rantoul public library]

(I realized that every event detail basically has me saying "idk much about it..I will google". Sorry ill edit this post later w better info)
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