Wednesday, April 28, 2010

laura cristina and i went to see third eye blind yesterday.

(so this pic is a bit awkward because it was taken by a creep rando...which is explained in #3)

here are my thoughts about the concert --
  1. third eye blind has made new music since the 90' we only knew maybe 4 songs out of the entire set.
  2. stephan jenkins is super cute! oh wait...he's only 14 months younger than my mother. awkiewarddd
  3. probs the weirdest crowd i've seen at a concert. either 3eb's new stuff has attracted weirdos or this is what the true urbana crowd looks like. either way...oye
  4. balcony seats at canopy = greaaaat. perf for short lazy ppl (not that i'm either of those..). we got to see everything and not have to stand. here's the view --

(and i took this picture while still sitting!)

but it was a pretty fun evening overall. we balcony drank beforehand and had an amaaazing meal at bread company (which included a yummy glass of sangria!) i'll talk about the meal another time but here are some pics:

yes, i realize the first one turned a bit too food-porny. even i am a bit grossed out....sorriezz. but that pizza-- OMGEEZY. SO AMAZING.

1 comment:

  1. that pizza was so good. i want it every day of my life!!
