Monday, May 3, 2010

anderson cooper profiles jose andres on 60 minutes

so tonight was the highly-anticipated first televised interview of coco. there were fb statuses and tweets all in anticipation about what conanando would finally say. welll it kinda was a disappointment. he's contractually not allowed to say much about jay and what he could say i've heard already.

buttt on this episode of 60 minutes there was also this segment with the beautiful (questionably gay), silver fox andy cooper talking with jose andres! andres has a cool rags-to-riches story, he finds fruit and veggies sexy, and he makes sure to spend time volunteering at a soup kitchen (oh you know...going from charging 200+/head to feeding the homeless, normal stuff..) homeboy has some really interesting opinions about things and this unexpected interview was wayyyy better than coco's.

oh and sidnote-- if you didn't know, anderson cooper is my all-time old man (aka anyone 40+) crush.
and wtf..i wanna take that harvard class.

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