Sunday, April 18, 2010

a nifty kitchen gaget involving cafeine?!? actually maybe not that cool..

i present to you the mypressi twist. this little gadget makes shots of esspresso with the help of nitrous oxide. you can see a vid of how it works here

at first i was like wowww. but then as i read about it, the more i started to become less impressed.

first off -- you have to add boiling water. secondly, it only makes one shot at a time meaning you have to clean out and refill the gadget at least twice for a decent cup o' drink. andd on top of that -- you have to buy NO2 cartridges, which i'm sure aren't that cheap.

i kinda think a french press is still the better way to go. you still get strong product, it's just as easy to use, and you don't have to fuss with or buy a bunch of parts (plus its cheaper to begin with).

although cool looking and interesting, i think its a pass.

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