Tuesday, February 28, 2012

curry fried rice

fried rice is high up there on the dishes swong makes most often. probably because you can it with anything (as long as you have leftover rice) and it's easy to do. (so easy, even the bf can make it! har har har)

i wanted fried rice the other day but didn't have any soy sauce. instead of just walking across the street to county to buy some, i decided to improvise with what i had. i looked in my spice cabinet and decided...curry fried rice it shall be!

What I used:
- 1/2 c leftover rice
- 2 slices of firm tofu, cubed
- 1.5 cups frozen normandy blend veggies
- 1 smal onion, chopped
- 1/2 tsp curry powder
- splash of water

i tried to cut the tofu into uniform-sized cubes

i microwaved the veggies to thaw a little but then chopped them into smaller pieces

the onions cooked in some oil until they were a bit transluscent, then i added the tofu and let it brown a bit. then the veggies.

added the rice, curry powder and water. the water helps cook the veggies and rice more..and also helps get the yummy brown bits from the bottom.

and finished!

i forgot to start timing this, but it probably took about ten minutes for everything. the onions and caulliflower pieces were the under-the-radar winners here. they tasted sooo good in combo with the curry powder! maybe next time i'll do a stirfry just of the two.

Monday, February 27, 2012

granola bars!!

i don't need to say much about my love for ina garten. because well, it's been talked about. knowing this about me, it's probably no surprise that even without cable in my apt i make sure that i get my barefoot contessa fix through using hulu and timing my work outs to catch airings at the gym (ok..i've actually only done this twice).

homegirl made granola bars the other day and i couldn't stop thinking about them.

maybe it's the training, maybe it's my love for ina, or maybe just that i'm a fatty...but i decided i NEEDED to make those granola bars.

i used this recipe but made a few changes. first off, i double it because at the time it seemed like a good idea? now i have enough granola bars for the rest of the year. whoopsies.

i also substituted chia seeds for wheat germ because i didn't have any (and chia seeds are sooo trendy/the new flax seed, duh.)

What I used:
- 4 cups rolled oats
- 2 cups sliced almonds
- 2 cups coconut
- 6 tbsp butter
- 2/3 cup honey [i forgot to double this :( ]
- 1/2 c light brown sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1 cup each dried apricots (chopped), cherries (cut in halves), and cranberries
- 1 cup chia seeds

toasted the almonds, coconut and oats at 320 for about 10 mins

while the ingredients were toasting..the butter, sugar, salt, honey and vanilla were mix together on the stove over medium heat.

the dried fruit! i got these bags for about $2 each at my new fav store aldi's.

all of the ingredients were mixed together and put into a foil-lined half sheet pan. this is what it looked like before baking in the oven at 300 for 25 minutes.

after baking and three hours of cooling...voila.

cutting them got messy :(

beauuuuuuuty shot.

when life gives you crumbs from cutting granola bars, you make a baggy labeled "granola" and throw it in there!

ok, so they weren't as chewy as i expected... probably because i used half the honey i was supposed to. but they still weren't horribly crumby and got better after being in ziploc baggies for a little bit. the other issue are the chia seeds. they keep getting stuck in my teeth. and then they get slimey...and meh. so maybe next time i'll grind up the chia seeds? idk

but overall...sooooo goood. i love the almonds and coconut in it. i'll defintely make my granola from now on. 

if you want to try some let me know (with a comment! hehe)

Friday, February 24, 2012

look what i did!

sometimes i can come up with smart ideas.  if i had a pinterest account i'd totally post this up.

fast and easy (semi-fancy) pasta

so guess who signed up for the half marathon. this girl did! (and in time this year.. i won't have to pretend to be named katie or whatever haha)

training started this week meaning swong-on-a-(carefully timed)-eating-rampage has begun. you already know how much i love food but it becomes an even bigger deal while training. 

when training you can really notice more the huge range of effects food can have. i can really see how my energy level changes based on certain foods. oh hey glycemic index, i guess you are useful.

during training my eating habits definitely change. i'm snacking almost all of the time, i'll buy foods with refined sugar or flour, and i'll chug HFCS products...(i love you powerade!)

an important meal is the meal after working out. after a run it's good to eat a lot of carbs and protein because it helps your body build muscle and refuel your glycogen stores. but after a run i'm tired, i feel gross and the last thing i want to do is cook a long, complicated meal. 

here's a something i made filled with yummy good-for-you stuff and only took 13 mins to make :)

What I used:
- 1/2 small onions, chopped
- 1 garlic clove, minced
- 1/4 cup frozen peas
- Salt &Pepper
- crushed Red Pepper Flakes
- Chicken Breast

 no, i didn't run out of clean pots. this is a lifehacker trick i learned to cook your pasta with less energy, time and water. you want to start the pasta first thing because it takes the longest to cook. my pasta took about 7 mins.

while the pasta's going, prep your ingredients.  then, sautee the onion for about a minute and add the garlic. salt and pepper a little bit too

add the cooked pasta and frozen peas to the onions. then some salt, pepper and a dash of red chili flakes (or whatever seasonings you want).

i had these greens leftover so that's why i added them.  it was nice having it in there because i felt like it brought a new texture to the dish. and greens are always good for you! you could use anything baby greens you have or any more veggies you want.  I tossed these for about a minute to wilt.
13 mins 19 seconds to cook! woohooo. and yes, that is a cracked screen :(

finished product

(while this was all going on, i used the george forman to grill my chicken breasts. none of the pics of this process looked that appetizing and you know..swong's blog only has the highest of standards!! so that's where the chicken magically appeared from)

enjoy :)

Monday, February 20, 2012


i'm sooooo over next (jk not really i still love you even if you're mean to me i wanna pay a lot of money and go back asap)

but seriously.. i fiiiiinally getting rewarded for my fbook stalking. as you can see on the ticket --  GOT THESE BADBOYS ONLY A MINUTE AFTER THEY WENT ON SALE.. HOLLAAAAAH. altho it's currently 12:46 and there are a few ticket still available so i guess i'm not that cool... :( 

we decided to do the lunch shift because we think we'll be able to eat more at this time (compared to 6:30-9pm), and i'll have time to take my food-and-beverage-induced-coma and be ready for something fun that night (ie watching a episodes of downton abbey on netflix). although taking the lunch time meant giving up the chance to meet steph izard and sarah grueneberg...saddies.

but i'm super pumped to read all about the chefs, menus, and fun things that are gonna come! ill probs post things i find interesting/things i want to remember for when i go.

(so be prepared and i apologize in advanced if i go a little crazy)

oh, and don't worry. i've already set a reminder on my phone to bring my camera ;)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(less than) 10 minute "frittata"

i have this thing now where i get tired by 11pm and wake up around 8ish. it's like...really weird and grown up.

with that comes a lot of idle time in the morning before classes. there's only so much hw (ha) or cleaning (lolololol) i can do..

so...in swong fashion...i decided cook breakfast. looking in my fridge, i noticed my kale was gettin a lil old so i thought i'd use. and i had eggs..OMG EGGS AND KALE TOGETHER...I'M SO SMART.

anddd this is how i made it..

 the ingredients: 3 eggs, about a cup of thinly sliced kale and a garlic clove
step #1 - i sauteed the garlic. (how exciting!)
#2 threw in the kale, then realized that it wouldn't really cook well dry. so i  #3 added ~1/4 cup of water. chicken stock would have been fancy and wine would have been a way more awesome choice (but ya know.. it was 9am)
the water essentially steamed the kale after a minute of cooking. and look how pretty and green it turned out!!
#4 ACTION SHOT WOOO. i scrambled one whole egg and two egg whites with some water and poured it over the kale.
#5 it cooked like this for about 3 mins, scraping in the edges and filling it in with the raw part. luckliy this pan was nonstick so it wasnt' too hard to flip over. i cooked the other side for another 2 mins. 
aaand the finished product??? it tasted better then it looked...
all done in 9 mins 49.2 seconds :)
overall, it was really good, esp after adding some frank's hot sauce. the only thing i would say is that it wasn't worth it to make a fake frittata. i should have just scrambled the eggs. so that's what i'll do next time. i also could have had some toast with it but i had a pb&c waiting for me in my backpack for lunch.