Wednesday, February 1, 2012

(less than) 10 minute "frittata"

i have this thing now where i get tired by 11pm and wake up around 8ish. it's like...really weird and grown up.

with that comes a lot of idle time in the morning before classes. there's only so much hw (ha) or cleaning (lolololol) i can do.. swong fashion...i decided cook breakfast. looking in my fridge, i noticed my kale was gettin a lil old so i thought i'd use. and i had eggs..OMG EGGS AND KALE TOGETHER...I'M SO SMART.

anddd this is how i made it..

 the ingredients: 3 eggs, about a cup of thinly sliced kale and a garlic clove
step #1 - i sauteed the garlic. (how exciting!)
#2 threw in the kale, then realized that it wouldn't really cook well dry. so i  #3 added ~1/4 cup of water. chicken stock would have been fancy and wine would have been a way more awesome choice (but ya know.. it was 9am)
the water essentially steamed the kale after a minute of cooking. and look how pretty and green it turned out!!
#4 ACTION SHOT WOOO. i scrambled one whole egg and two egg whites with some water and poured it over the kale.
#5 it cooked like this for about 3 mins, scraping in the edges and filling it in with the raw part. luckliy this pan was nonstick so it wasnt' too hard to flip over. i cooked the other side for another 2 mins. 
aaand the finished product??? it tasted better then it looked...
all done in 9 mins 49.2 seconds :)
overall, it was really good, esp after adding some frank's hot sauce. the only thing i would say is that it wasn't worth it to make a fake frittata. i should have just scrambled the eggs. so that's what i'll do next time. i also could have had some toast with it but i had a pb&c waiting for me in my backpack for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. this actually inspired me to make a broccoli and cheese frittata a couple weekends ago!!
