i'm sooooo over next (jk not really i still love you even if you're mean to me i wanna pay a lot of money and go back asap)
but seriously.. i fiiiiinally getting rewarded for my fbook stalking. as you can see on the ticket -- GOT THESE BADBOYS ONLY A MINUTE AFTER THEY WENT ON SALE.. HOLLAAAAAH. altho it's currently 12:46 and there are a few ticket still available so i guess i'm not that cool... :(
we decided to do the lunch shift because we think we'll be able to eat more at this time (compared to 6:30-9pm), and i'll have time to take my food-and-beverage-induced-coma and be ready for something fun that night (ie watching a episodes of downton abbey on netflix). although taking the lunch time meant giving up the chance to meet steph izard and sarah grueneberg...saddies.
but i'm super pumped to read all about the chefs, menus, and fun things that are gonna come! ill probs post things i find interesting/things i want to remember for when i go.
(so be prepared and i apologize in advanced if i go a little crazy)
oh, and don't worry. i've already set a reminder on my phone to bring my camera ;)