Tuesday, December 29, 2009

getting closer to being a top chef...jk not really.

one of the great things about watching top chef was seeing the chefs do crazy methods of cooking that i'd never be able to do. one of these methods was sous-vide, which the v bros pretty much used every challenge last season.

for those of ya'll who don't know what sous vide is, it's basically putting something in a vaccum pouch and then cooking it water, where the temp kept at precisely where you want it. pretty cool huh? yeahh but the machines cost at least $1000 aka only baller chefs get to use it.

but now SousVideSupreme is making them for $450. whoaaa. they're trying to market these badboys for the everday home chef.

awesome...but $450!? that's still pretty redonk!! i say give it a few years and the price will go down dramatically. hmmmm college graduation gift poss?? (ha that's IF i graduate...) and ew, the thought of graduating and being done with college grosses me out.

anyways, thought i'd share! :)

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