random things swongy likes right now:
- adding a dash cinnamon into coffee grounds. read this on fabsugar the other day and decided to try it out since i'm without my beloved french press. it's sooo good! its adds a little bit of richness that i felt was lost with drip coffee (since apparently the filter paper absorbs the delicious essential oils...thanks google). for all of ya'll who hate flavored coffees (i'm one of them too), don't worry cuz it's not too strong (unless u add a shitton obvi)
- cooking intense meals. i have soooooo much time on my hands now it's redonk. so i've made dinner twice already: i roasted a chicken and also pan-fried chicken breasts and made a ratatouille with it, which is a lot more complicated than i expected. (pics to comee!) i got the turkey carcass from chrismas din and def plan on roasting it/making a stock out of it.
- minesweeeperrrrr. omg i forgot how addicting that game can be. and it stinks cuz i only want to play the expert level, which takes a good 4+ minutes per game aka i end up spending wasting half an hour and not realize it. i'm kinda rusty but i'll def announce when i get a good time haha. (cuz i know ya'll care sooooooo much)
- having hbo on demand. wooooo. and they have some GREAT movies. and by great i mean old one that are super lame but fun haha. i mayyyy have seen one fine day twice already...
- google reader. actually anything made by google. sooooo great/convenient.
- reading random articles. just read one about restaurant menu psychology..haha.
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