Monday, September 28, 2009

Roasted Baby Carrots and Broccoli

(i actually took this pic!)
Soo yesterday I roasted some fingerling potatoes I bought from the farmer's market (....three weeks ago aka i had to use them ASAP) they were delish and that inspired me to roast some some more veggies I had to use up quickly.

Today--a bag of baby carrots. I actually am not a fan of raw carrots and only like them cooked. I only eat raw ones with hummus and that's only only because they are healthier than pita chips. And the hummus : carrot ratio is very high so i can't taste the gross carrot. Aaanyway, i honestly dont' remember when i bought these carrots. They weren't moldy so that made them legit. (i hope..)

I also had some broccoli i had blanched the other day and decided to add them. I mean, why not?

To the baby carrots/broccoli i added four cloves of garlic, EVOO, half of an onion (cut into large chunks) salt and pepper. (it was a pretty large bag of carrots btdubbs). I roasted these at 375 for about 20 mins and then decided to add some balsamic thinking it'd add some sweetness and acidity. I let this go in the oven for another 10 mins.

Verdit --

the broccoli was SOO GOOD. because they were already cooked, they roasted beautifully. the outside crisped up and had a really nice texture (i'm all abot texture with my food, if u didn't know). Also, the florets soaked up the garlic/balsamic/onion flavor really well.

the carrots were not as good. I mean, they were just a bit bland. They def didn't have the depth of flavor that the broccoli had and I'm pretty sure it's because I threw them into the oven still raw. Or maybe I should have cooked them longer? Next time -- i'll par-cook the carrots beforehand. And, I think i'll add some more garlic and onions because the carrots are more dense and can't take in the flavors as well as the broccoli.

but overall, delish! roasting's def a healthy and easy way to use up veggies that are left in your fridge. and the balsamic added an extra bit of oomph to it :)

PS- i used your pan laura...sorriez.


  1. i make this allll the time i love it! except just salt pepper evoo and sometimes garlic. try asparagus!!.. it's my fave but it only needs a few minutes, i think liek 12 tops and you flip them 7 in...
