Monday, September 28, 2009

burgers i wouldn't feel [as] weird dressing up for

justin and i both had internships in northfield this past summer. while his was a bit more legit than mine, we still had to be in business attire. in any case, whenever we did lunch, we clearly were not going to dish out money at fancy places. instead, we had our important "Business Power Lunches" at burger joints (we either went to Michael's or Meatheads)...holler.

About two weeks ago on gchat, jmalina2 and swong729 reminisced over those awesome lunches. there really isn't a more interesting experience than being in stuffy clothes while enjoying the messy greasiness of burgers and fries. oh and smelling like that for the rest of the day. i def had missed that.

coincidentally, i had just read a post on champaign taste about Farren's, where she claimed she had the best burger in the CU.

hot damn. sooo justin and i decided we had to go there duhhh.

that weekend all of the jews had to go home for the yom so our very businessy and professional dinner of burger and fries would have to wait for the following weekend.

being the nice ppl we are, we allowed others (MJos, Jake, Sturt and Dan Cohen) to come with us. And we didn't dress up..i know, sad

We went to Farren's last friday and it was packed by the time we arrived. The small place (it maybe holds 20 tables, max) has its kitchen basically behind the bar with three people cooking. You walk in and automatically smell the goodies they're grilling. Oh, and you see the amaaazing beer selection they have. (booo with the not having an ID).

We ended up waiting 20 minutes to get a table (obvs a great idea having a party of 6) and another 15 to get our food. I ordered a Cheddarburger, medium rare.

OH MY GOD. so so sooo worth the long wait. My burger's on the bottom left (the one with cheddar and a tonnn of black pepper on it, of course) check it outt. The burger was perfectly charred - enough to give extra texture and some good flavor but not so much for it to taste like burnt grossness. It was a perfect medium rare; nice, pink, and juicy. (i would say moist but i absolutely hate that word). And according to Farren's website, they grind their meat 3 times a day - you def can taste that freshness. Also, I've never seen cheese melted so beautifully on a burger (i know how weird that sounds but it's completely true). Sometimes cheese can be cooked too long and get dry or not enough to reach its gooeyness potential. my only complaint was that the bun wasn't toasted. But they were nice and soft and didn't overpower the meat, so yay for that.

the boys all agreed. We downed those things like it was ain't no thang. Mjos said how he didn't even put his burger down once cuz he couldn't stop eating it. Later that evening the boys even made two different toasts to the burgers and all of their deliciousness.

fucking amazing. I'll go back anytime. definitely one of the best burgers I've ever had. Better than some burgers at high end restaurants costing 20+ (yes, i've shelled out money for those...)

I'd say they're worth dressing up for even if you're not having Justin or my "Business Power Lunches". They're that good.

PS- don't listen to Dan Cohen. Homie had a chicken sandwich and NOT a burger. his opinions clearly do not count. oh, and he liked the tucker max movie.

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