Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My foray into food porn (brown chicken brown cow...)

ohhhh the oddities of food culture. In case you didn't know, wiki defines food porn as:
a sarcastic term variously applied to a spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, cooking shows or other visual media, foods boasting a high fat and calorie content[1], exotic dishes that arouse a desire to eat[2] or the glorification of food as a substitute for sex.[3]

There are plenty of blogs that post pictures daily. (check out foodporndaily or the flickr group) My current obsession, Anthony Bordain, even did a special episode of No Reservations devoted to it a few months back.

So I thought I'd give it a shot. Here's what I made for my mom's birthday last week. get ur sleezy music going...

I delivered a box of brownies. These had walnuts and chocolate chips...

And then I also made dinner...

Heirloom Tomato Salad. Heirloom tomatoes with EVOO, salt and coursely cracked black pepper. And I sprinkled some extra diced shallot I had on hand....bad idea, it looks weird and didn't really do much in terms of flavor.

New York Strip on a Bed of Arugula with a Sherry Vinaigrette. The steak was just pan seared and finished in the oven. I would've liked to have had extra black pepper or bleu cheese for more kick but Nancy doesn't like either of them too much. I don't know how she's my mother...

Baby Portobello Mushrooms Roasted in a Merlot Reduction. To make the sauce the mushrooms were roasted in, I made a roux in the pan I used to cook my steak, added shallots and garlic and then deglazed with some merlot. These turned out to be the best part of the meal. Should have made more..whoops.


UPDATE - Idk why the thumbnails are so blurry. arghhhh

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