Friday, June 19, 2009

anthropologie makes me psychoanalyze myself. cool.

Look what I got in the mail from anthropologie -- a fun cloth card holder that came with a 15% off coupon to use during my birthday month!

The case probs didn't cost much for anthro to give out but it still cheered me up because they didn't neeeed to give them out...I still would've used the coupon fsho. especially since they're giving me 2 weeks to save up! haha

I looove extra details, even if they're seemingly small. They like, really make me happy. I think that's why I love wrapping things with ribbons and making colorful cards -- because they're my subtle way of showing people that I care for them (by taking the time to make whatever I'm giving them pretty). I once returned someone's retainer in a cellophane bag tied with a ribbon. true story.

So I ask all (3) of my readers -- What seemingly small/rando things really cheer you up?? What do you think that says about you..? Do you think it has to do with our subconscious faith in the golden rule aka "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." and we do it in hopes of ppl returning the gesture? just thinking...

haha later

ps--check out Let Them Eat Ricecake on my nails....hollerrrr


  1. i got that in January. it's sooo cuteeee!

  2. blowjobs cheer me up. however the golden rule does not apply because reciprication is not apart of my game.
