HEYO. so now that i'm home for the summer, currently jobless and don't start my class until next week, i basically do nothing with my life.
In case you were wondering, here's the typical day of Stephanie Jane Wong:
- 11ish - wake up, fb, gchat, watch some tv
- 12pm - get out of bed, wash up, eat something, fb/gchat some more
- 12:30pm - change into work out clothes and eventually go for a run
- 2pm - shower, mosey around the house, finally get ready
- 3:30pm - run meaningless errands (ex: get a manicure, get gas, get a second lunch...)
- 5pm - have dinner, figure out something to do for the night
- 7:30 pm - head out, do something random. stay out as late as i can. which is only until...
- 12:30am - lol, the parents don't like me out too late.
- 3/4am - finally fall asleep...
yeah, very lame.
i'm waiting to hear back from some places i sent an app to. let's hope that happens soon because well, i clearly need a job. in addition to occupying some time of my day, a job would also provide some extra money so i can do fun stuff. and by fun stuff i mean...buying pretty things. haha.
Things i've found roaming the web (click the pics for the accompanying link!):
this silk mara hoffman dress is on sale at tobi.com. love love loveeee. too bad i'm on a "budget". and even if i weren't it'd still def out of my price range. but anyhoo, it has everything that's perf for the summer! i'm a big fan of the fading that looks kinda like tie-dye but a bit fancier. and check out the dramatic neckline and funky twisted straps....swoon! i will be on the lookout for a more accessible (aka CHEAP) version of this.

max azria- please explain why you're teaming up for a line with MILEY CYRUS. and oh, SELLING THIS LINE AT WALMART. i mean, i'm def a supporter of designer colaborations (ie Target's GO and Matthew Williamson's line at H&M) but ughhh. i'm not a fan of this one. at all.
but hey...speaking of target and H&M, they're considered budget shopping, right?!

so...studies show that skinny jeans are bad for your health. (click the picture to see the article). even more reason to wear leggings as often as possible? i think so!

are those sperries and drivers i see on the jonas brothers?? (click for a bigger pic!) love it.

so there's apparently a lot of hate on cupcakes. anthony bordain and mario batali said "enough already!" or something like that when asked about them at a recent talk in Seattle. i'm glad the LA times believe that cupcakes are here to stay! it's actually a pretty interesting article, whether you're a cupcake fan or not. ch ch check it out.
Tomorrow my
3:30pm meaningless errand will be checking out the E-street tent sale. then probs some window shopping in hp. oh hey...i can start looking for thing from my birthday. i'm def going to williams sonoma for that. lemme know if you wanna meet up!!
later homies,