Tuesday, June 11, 2013

koppa's fubeli deli

after visiting lakefront brewery, we circled back to koppa's afterward...which is directly across the street from the comet cafe and where our car was parked at.  this place is a corner store with a deli and are supposed to be really famous for their sandwiches.
the uranus (hehe): corned beef, horesradish, swiss, alfalfa, red onions on rye
inside is really...interesting. there are old couches, an atari set, and animal heads along the walls. although "interesting", not really the most comfortable place to want to eat at/i don't know if you can eat there??? so we ended up bringing our sandwich back to the hotel. we had to check in anyways lol

in normal swong fashion, i had more places to eat at to than meals available and had to have the boy split a sammy with me.

for $5.99, it's was pretty good. at first i thought it was kind of expensive, but the boyf rationalized it saying it's close in price at potbelly's but with more interesting/better ingredients. goood point.  and i guess the deli guy knew we were splitting because he packed two pickles and two crybaby gumballs with our sandwich. extra like!

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