Tuesday, April 3, 2012

free tasting events!!!

so remember the awesome johnnie walker event i did a few months back? here's a refresher if you don't remember.

wellllll they're doing it again!

even though it'll probably be the exact same thing as last time...i signed up to do it again. um, definitely worth listening to the same speeches and watching the same videos if it means i get free food and blue label johnnie! (and like, 4 other labels)

there are a bunch of times still available. if u wanna do it sign up here

there's also a guinness event going on that same weekend. after googling and reading a few yelp reviews, it looks like it's not as fancy as the johnnie event (aka no tasting of $150 alcohol...). according to this dude you'll get some food, a pint, and a few tastes of other guinness products. (so there are other guinness products..?) 

anyways...free food and beer is free food and beer, so i'm obviously still down. and it'll be cool to learn more about guinness. watch out, i'm going to be one of those annoying ppl being like "noooooo this is how you pour a perfect pinttttt ughhhhhh i'm so cooooooool"

smart swong signed up for the guinness event on friday (april 13th) at 6 and the johnnie event at 8. so you should sign up then too.

(i wonder diageo will notice that i'm going to a bunch of their marketing events...haha)

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