Friday, August 20, 2010

aaaand complete.

sooo i obvs was freaking out about asking paul to take a pic with him. but then brian huston (the chef du cuisine) was out there too!!!! my mom basically took my camera and told those boys they should take a pic with em because it was my 21st birthday (almost three weeks ago..but shhhh)

and they did! and i got a pic with two beauuuutiful strangers too. turns out they own frasca wine, which was doing a tasting that night at the publican. man in the middle gave me his card EEEEK WUDDUP. it's because he's from boulder and i told him i have friends at cu. (but i don't...) anywho I CAN EMAIL/CALL HIM. WOOOT. (obvs won't really). but anywho his name's lachlan? and he has a three part name?? and he won a james beard in 2008?? and man on the far right is wearing a well fitted suit..? and is good looking?? and is a master sommelier???

can i get a what what...

too bad my bb takes horrible pictures..but actually kinda good because it doesn't show me cheesing. because i was. i mean hellooooo i finally get a pic with (two) famous chefs from chicago after missing out on grant achatz and graham elliot...

ahhh great way to have the last meal of summer in the chi!

ps -- i may or may not have mentioned how i wanted to go to avec but couldn't to paul kahan. (if u didn't know there was a fire there last week and a fireman died). he was just liek "ohhh we'll open soon". *awks* and then i also may have overlooked mr. james beard winner when talking to paul because, well..i only follow chicago chef sorry. i think that's why he gave me his card. so i could google him and find out that he's waaay legit and make me feel bad :(

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