Monday, August 30, 2010

wormhole cafe in wicker park

  • delorean from the first back to the future (altho the 2nd one's my fav...i mean hi -- they go to the future AND the past wuddup)
  • metropolis coffee!!!! aka my fav (esp their spice island blend..)
:edit: totes realized that he said wicker park. and it's RIGHT by the bongo room. ummmm stopping by there while we're waiting for delish pancakes/sandwiches? YES.

it's official -- grant achatz hates me. (u know, since i met him for like 2 seconds)

ANOTHER GIN-BASED DRINK. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. but still super cool..altho even cooler if he slowly chilled ice cubes so they really are crystal-clear. (ohh FOODIE BURNNN). and i still want to go to aviary when it opens. hopefully by that point they'll come up with a whiskey drank. oh aaaaand i wanna get tickets to next. someone make it happen. and by someone i mean the father.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sweet corn festttttt

Yes, this is what happens when you live in the middle of bumble... W/e corn for 50cents per ear, and black dog dinner with a beer flight after.
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We're so college (#3)

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Friday, August 27, 2010

we're so college (#2)

10:40am (read: early-morning) delivery of cold pizza and tobasco to my apartment. hollaaaaaa.

also testing if a certain someone really checks out out the blog...

Thursday, August 26, 2010


2010 Sixth Annual Big Tex Choice Fried Food Awards Finalists

Deep Fried S’mores Pop•Tart – Pop•Tart with a sensational chocolate, peanut butter, s’mores flavor is lightly battered and deep fried. Hot out of the fryer, the sinfully diet-busting treat is drizzled with chocolate syrup and topped with whipped cream.

Deep Fried Frozen Margarita - Sweet and creamy funnel cake batter is deliciously coupled with margarita ingredients. Fried, dusted with a tangy lemon/lime mixture and lightly spritzed with south of the border flavor, it’s served in a salt rimmed glass. 21 and over, ID required.

Fernie’s Fried Club Salad – Super colossal 12” spinach wrap surrounds generous layers of juicy diced ham & chicken, shredded iceberg, crunchy carrot strips, ripe cherry tomatoes, shredded sharp cheddar and hickory smoked bacon. Deep fried until lightly crispy; topped with deep-fried sour dough croutons on a stick and served on a bed of shredded romaine lettuce. Choice of creamy Ranch, Thousand Island, or Caesar dressing.

Fried Beer - Beer-filled pretzel pocket is deep-fried to a golden brown. One bite and the escaping beer serves as a dipping sauce. 21 and over, ID required.

Fried Chocolate – A white chocolate mini candy bar + a cherry are stuffed into a mouth-watering brownie, dipped into delicious chocolate cake batter and deep fried to perfection. The finished product has a warm just-out-of-the-oven taste! Topped with powdered sugar and a rich cherry sauce and served with chocolate flavored whip cream.

Fried Lemonade – Lemon flavored pastry is made from Country Time® lemonade. First baked, then fried, this taste tempting treat is glazed with a mix of lemonade, powdered sugar, and lemon zest.

Texas Fried Caviar – Texas version of a southern good luck staple. Black-eyed peas are fried and laced with special spices blended with Old Bay® Seasoning and are available in regular or spicy. Find them in Cotton Bowl Plaza (next to Cotton Bowl steps), inside the Auto Building, near Big Tex, and on the Thrillway.

Texas Fried Frito Pie – A generous portion of savory Texas born chili accented with a hint of sharp cheddar encased in everybody’s favorite corn chip. Lightly battered and fried to a golden brown perfection. With its smooth medley of hot, meaty, crunchy, salty, cheesy, oozing goodness, “Texas Fried Frito Pie” transports you back to the golden age of Fair Food.

(via eater)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

We're so college.

Enjoying free food at the union!! (And yes, we brought our own mustard for the pretzels.)
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Spotted at meijer...

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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Friday, August 20, 2010

Phoenix. Lolla 2010.

sometimes my camera can take cool pictures.


Forgot to share the dessert..hahaha. Fresh peaches cooked in a simple syrup over a yummy cake (tasted like gooey cake to any visitor of st louis). Garnished w a curdled creme?? Heaaaavennnn
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aaaand complete.

sooo i obvs was freaking out about asking paul to take a pic with him. but then brian huston (the chef du cuisine) was out there too!!!! my mom basically took my camera and told those boys they should take a pic with em because it was my 21st birthday (almost three weeks ago..but shhhh)

and they did! and i got a pic with two beauuuutiful strangers too. turns out they own frasca wine, which was doing a tasting that night at the publican. man in the middle gave me his card EEEEK WUDDUP. it's because he's from boulder and i told him i have friends at cu. (but i don't...) anywho I CAN EMAIL/CALL HIM. WOOOT. (obvs won't really). but anywho his name's lachlan? and he has a three part name?? and he won a james beard in 2008?? and man on the far right is wearing a well fitted suit..? and is good looking?? and is a master sommelier???

can i get a what what...

too bad my bb takes horrible pictures..but actually kinda good because it doesn't show me cheesing. because i was. i mean hellooooo i finally get a pic with (two) famous chefs from chicago after missing out on grant achatz and graham elliot...

ahhh great way to have the last meal of summer in the chi!

ps -- i may or may not have mentioned how i wanted to go to avec but couldn't to paul kahan. (if u didn't know there was a fire there last week and a fireman died). he was just liek "ohhh we'll open soon". *awks* and then i also may have overlooked mr. james beard winner when talking to paul because, well..i only follow chicago chef sorry. i think that's why he gave me his card. so i could google him and find out that he's waaay legit and make me feel bad :(

Thursday, August 19, 2010


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charcuterie plate

Pork pie, beef cheek terrine, head cheese, sausage and pickles

This plus butter and bread..(And beer) omgeeeeeez
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Taste of three hams and trappistes rochefort

The beer's supposed to be like chimay. A bit more chocolate-y but does go well w the salty/gamey ham. Bahhhh legit in love w this place! And totes spotted paul kahan eeeeeek!
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Final din at the publican. Hollerrrrr

Probs will be liveblogging :)
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Edzo's double cheddarburger

Kind of a gross pic...and it was kind of a gross burger :(
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