Friday, June 25, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

saurkraut balls

"Sauerkraut, cooked ground pork, diced onions, bread crumbs, cream cheese and an egg are rolled into balls that about the size of meatballs. They are then fried and served as a snack or first course, even bar or picnic food."
ok, so i guess the description sounds pretty gross. but i really wanna try this because i do love me some saurkraut. like...a lot. i always get extra servings of em with brats and at costco with polishes. aaaaand frosh year at IT i legit ate plate-fulls of the stuff.

altho i've never planned to go to ohio, this def is something to try if i'm ever out there, i guess.

(via slashfood)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

List of Vendors for Lollapalooza

(the stuff swongy finds interesting in bold, obvs)
Big Star
Bleeding Heart
Blue 13
Burrito Beach
Elate at The Hotel Felix
Franks 'N' Dawgs
Hoosier Mama Pie Company

Kuma's Corner
The Metropolis Café
more cupcakes
Rockit Bar and Grill
The Smoke Daddy Rhythm and Bar B Que
The Southern
Trotter's to Go

although most of these vendors are pretty amazing (and on my list of restaurants i wanna try), let's be real here... august in the chi = gross sweatiness aka not prime feasting conditions. aaand i'm sure the food's gonna be expensive (uhhh $10+ hot dogs last year, graham elliot?!??!) i'd rather spend the money on my erh, recent 21-ness. but i am willing dish out the mooolah to try a pie pop :)

and before you try to counter with the taste being in hot weather -- u should know that i actually hate the taste. not only is it hot, but there's too many ppl and it's a waste of money. the only reason i'll go is if the mama pays for it, there's a bunch of friends going, or someone cool is performing (ie john mayer)

aaanywho, only about a month and a half till lolla and my bdayyyyyyyy. (HINT HINT ALL OF YOU READERS/MY FRIENDS. DON'T YOU DARE FORGET)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spotted at crate & barrel...

Is this worth the 12 dollars??? Probably not. But still super awesomeeee
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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Blue cheese fries at the clubhouse in oakbrook...

No this is not an order of pasta. Fresh cut fries with blue cheese, scallions and red chili flakes sprinkled over it. Amaaaaaazing!
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