Monday, March 22, 2010

laura and i went to a farm.

yes, we're in the middle of farm country so i guess it shouldn't be too much of a surprise. but prarie fruits farm and creamery is apparently popular amongst super-chefs of the chitown, one of them being ms. stephanie izzard. laura found out from champaign taste's twitter that this farm was having an open house where we got to pet baby goats and eat free food.

so of course we went.

(we're tourists. and sorry bout my hair. i promise it's the wind and not an weirdly-shaped bumpit.)

ok, so was a bit disappointing. the whole "open house" consisted of a dimly lit room with one table of half-empty platters of food and a table advocating some local environmental thing. (yeah, i do care about environmental stuff but my priorities were on food, sorry.)

the food was REALLY good though. even after petting the baby goats i couldn't help going back for seconds (more like sixth's actually).

sidenote -- this is kind of a big deal because i had just learned from my food microbiology class that baby animals are the biggest carries of pathogenic microorganisms. w/e, i was hungry and didn't care to look for a bathroom/hand sanitizer.

there were chicken liver pate, some cans of house-made pickles, baked fruit, and assorted goat cheeses. but um -- they weren't selling any of it? they had made just enough food and cheese to be served. i think laura and i have become too accustomed to "open house" equaling "hey..yeah, check out our farm but we really want you to buy a lot of our stuff!!"

the goats as you can see, were absolutely adorable. i want to buy one. they're only $150 each. let's do it.

and we ended up venturing out to strawberry fields to buy their goat cheese. i got one with cracked pepper (aka my fav spice, duh). i have literally eaten it with everything -- carrots, apples, a spoon....

prairie fruits also holds breakfasts and dinners on their farm. mother said she'll take me to a dinner when she comes down, which is awesomeee because the dinners are like $60/head. soooo i gotta make sure she visits sometime soon.

in the meantime, if anyone wants to stop by for their farmer's market or mayyybe their breakfast lemme know :).


  1. Randomly came across your blog when I was clicking the "Next Blog" button. This was actually really interesting (except for the really disturbing part where you didn't sanitize your hands after PETTING GOATS! egad. I live on a farm and even I don't do that.) Anyway, great descriptions of the food.

  2. she ate the food with a paper towel inbetween her hands and the food... not to worry!
