1. new sunniessss

everything else is listed after the jump!
(sorry i'm trying to make the blog look less cluttered lol)
2. some more plaid.
i picked this print because it's bright, fun, and def not barndance-y. ummmm if anyone has any boy's size 10/12 plaids they're willing to part with, lemme know :)
3. a new scarf!
(i got this one in dark heather grey.) def used the idea from the video i had posted earlier. so so so fun and dressy! i wore it today with a striped long sleeve, velour pants and uggs...yet didn't look like i had just rolled out of bed (even though i basically did...) i may ask the father to buy similar ones from hk. any color suggestions??
4. black blazer (FINALLY)
sooo i posted about needing an oversized black blazer but never actually went out to get one. well i finally got this one from urban. woooooo. it fits super well in the shoulders and is nice and snug on the arms...not uncomfortably tight, just enough to make my arms look long :). it warm (ish..) for winter but still pretty thin to rock through spring and maybe summer nights. and oh hey, it can be paired with my scarf and/or my new plaid. HOLLER
at laaaaaaaaaaaaaasst! the sunglasses are perfection!