Monday, December 21, 2009

stuff that i can't afford but loooooooooooove

random things things i've fallen in love with--

hunter now makes leather boots (which are waterproof btdubbs!)! how beautiful are they?!??! but they're like $500 :(. i'll be content with my wellies i guess. jk... i just found a pair for much cheaper on zappos! hm...maybe i can ask felix to buy me a pair..u know, since he and the fam went to the bahamas without me.

trina turk's kathleen cardigan. this picture doesn't really do it justice...the sequins are so pretty.

chloe's bow detail asymmetric top (on the left). yeahhh you know, it's only a little over $2k. nbd. but amazing is that sleeve of bows!??!

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