john mayer is just a ball of awesomeness. on top of being a great musician, beautiful man, and hilarious comic...homeboy also bakes!
last year he did "livebaking" on his blog, where he posted up pics while he was baking/decorating a christmas tree bundt. (it was actually kind of cool because he didn't say what he was doing so u just had to see what the next picture would reveal.) i tried to look for a pic but it's not on his blog anymore :(
After that, he held an interfaith holiday baking competition...where he asked people to submit pictures of holiday themed cakes they had made.
he's holding the competition again this year, and the winner will get FOUR CONCERT AND MEET&GREET TICKETS. ahhh.
holiday baking AND possible free jm tickets...need i say more??
the submissions are due by dec 29th.
lets bake and decorate over break bitchesssssss.
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