Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"grilled" chicken sandwiches

yeah...remember the time i said i'd post pics of meals i made?? whooooopsss. here's a sandwich laura and i had back in september during one of our many make-dinner-and-watch-top-chef dates --

the recipe was inspired by giada's rolled chicken sandwiches. here's our cheaper and easier way --

1 french loaf
one chicken breast
1 cup baby arugula
2 roma tomatoes
swongy's parsley "aoili"*
salt & pepper

*(her recipe seemed too complicated for our lazy selves. so we just smashed a clove of garlic into a paste, and added it to 1/4 cup of light mayo along with 2 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley, and the juice & zest of half a lemon. oh and salt and pepper to taste, duh)

we george foreman-ed chicken breast, and assembled the sandwiches. make sure to pack in a ton arugula. like legit, smush in as much as you can. and also add a generous amount of "aoili". oh and don't forget to add salt and pepper the sandwich when it's complete! (this is a fun tip i picked up from watching ina haha)

the sandwiches were delish but the bread was def too thick. sooo the next time we made these bad boys we scooped some of it out before toasting. and don't worry cuz it won't go to waste; the bread scraps can be used for croutons! wooo

we served these with roasted potatoes and had a jolly of a time watching tc.

watch out ya'll -- posts about croutons, roasted potatoes and more will come soon! i promise!!!

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