Sunday, November 8, 2009

WANTED: warm/cozy outfits that are still fab to go out in

it's getting cold out and going out in tanks or skirts isn't really flying anymore. sooo dilemma -- how can i dress for the weather without looking like i'm about to trek the north pole??

i have a couple of ideas in mind. tell me what you think/gimme your suggestions!

1. smart layering. what i mean is that i can still wear some of my warm-weather clothes but maybe throw on a pair of tights or closed-toe shoes (OR FUCKING BOOTIES IF I CAN FIND A PAIR!). last winter i kinda went crazy with tights that were on sale at banana and have amassed quite the collection haha. (so yay for not having to buy them!) i'm hearing that textured tights/leggings are being a big trend. (rzoe had lace leggings in one of her emails last week!) oh and scarves!!!! soo yeah i'll try to work on layering. but this will probs be a bit tricky and require me trying on 2307234234 different outfits...

(selena and taylor in textured tights/booties/closed toe pumps and lace leggings from r.zoe's email)

2. fab outerwear. i have an awesome grey wool blazer that i scored from my grandma last year. it's a bit cropped which works well for me since i'm short haha. and it helps tie in the many oversized tops i have. anddd i JUST bought a super fun faux moto leather jacket from forever and didn't break bank (too much..). YESSSSS

(awk pic of the blazer, my new moto jacket!!)

3. COZY TOPS. well...this will require some shopping. but i'm okay with that! here are some from fabsugar i found that i looooove. but they're expensive aka i'm gonna havta search for cheaper versions of these...

(sequined sweater by joseph $693, sequined stardust sweater by free people $118....sadness)


(these would all work very well with my new bandage skirt! haha)


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