List of Stuff Swongy loves
- Adding milk to coffee. now hold up, before you go freak out at me, don't get me wrong i'm a still avid black coffee with splenda girl. howeverrrrr coffee and milk has become my new fav pre work out drank.
- Reading random articles. like REALLY random articles. maybe i'll start posting some of my favs... i just finished reading one in the nytimes about how restaurants are cutting costs. it here. pretty interesting!
- Microwaved baked potatoes. it's getting cold ive been craving warm foods more. and in three minutes you get a hot, fluffy and delicious potato. wooooo
- Kevin Gillespie. Michael V is still a hottie (although I've realized he looks reaaaally awkward when he smiles) but Kevin is just adorrrable. i loved how in last week's episode he was saying how he had to work to get his chub-tastic body. and his cooking is just redonk. he won both the quickfire and elimination challange AGAIN. redonk. and i'm thinking he might win over the V bros. i know, i can't believe i'm saying that myself.
- ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. just started last week, already well into the 2nd season.
- Yoga videos on demand. so awesome.
- Roasting chicken....yeahhhhh i've been roasting one every week. oh and saving the carcass to make stock duhhh. and i've taken pics haha. i'll post them up soon.
- hair products. i think it's because my hair's getting longer...but garnier fructise gel/creme = awesomeeee. oh and big fat hair hairspary.
bahahaha i just posted a "likes" list too and then went to stalk your blog and saw that you'd made one. how silly. my thoughts:
ReplyDelete1. OMG I TOTALLY HAVE BEEN DOING THE PRE-WORKOUT COFFEE THING - it's like noxplode for girls.
3. i have a HUGE weakness for baked potatoes, and am so jealous that you have a kitchen. though i guess i do have a microwave...
4. michael v. is a jerk. i like bryan. and kevin is presh. jen needs to step up her game.
7. again, the no kitchen thing saddens me.
and your "want to" list is strikingly similar to mine...