Tuesday, October 20, 2009

plaid shirts.

look what just got posted on fabsugar....

when i was home this weekend, i had this sudden realization that i really want a nice-fitting, stylish flannel shirt. and oh hey...it's on trend. wuddup. although i doubt i'd wear heels to class so idk. is it possible to wear them without looking too barndance-y?? i think i'd go for a more fun color than just red..because well, red just SCREAMS "hey i'm about to go milk a cow" (or w/e is a popular farmy saying..) and also, kristin's shirt is an elizabeth and james and costs $250 haha

jcrew had some really fun ones...

(the funky color combos make it more chic and less country-ish..?) and they have boy's shirts with the same patterns which are cheapler :)

and so did martin+osa...

i fell in LOVE with this at the store...its sturdy and has a really fun lining that can be seen when u roll the sleeves. the only thing i don't like are the snap buttons..oh and also its $79 price tag.

sooo thoughts?? is it worth following this trend? and -- which shirt should i go for??

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