Tuesday, October 27, 2009

oh the joys of living on green street..

so i'm chilling on my bed... watching some arrested development (in the middle of season one now!), gchattin' and writing an angry email to el padre.

all of the sudden i hear a huge commotion coming from outside. it's 2:02 so i'm thinking people are getting out of bars so w/e. but wait..its getting louder. there's shouting. A LOT of shouting.

i go over to my window and oh...two separate group of guys are fighting each other. they're going at it. it's like watching UFC but up close and with scrawny white boys. one guy gets knocked out cold and falls onto the street.

now there are two cop cars and an ambulance outside. and tons of talking. it's ruining my arrested development. oh and my concentration to write my angry email.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

recap of ze weekenddd

sooo i went home this weekend. it was fun although a bit unproductive. i'm still without booties :(. and i only bought one top...but it's a SUPER fun top.

um....HOW FUN IS THE BACK?? and u def can wear it the other way too. it's a marc by marc jacobs but on sale a tonnnnnn at cusp. originally $188 got it for like a 1/3 of the price :) a bit of a splurge still but i mean, it's all that i bought this weekend and it's sooooo awesome. agree?? mine fits a little loser tho cuz i wanted it to be more tunic-y. like idk, i think its a bit strange for it to be loose in the front but fitted in the back? (like it is on the model) sooo yeah.

it was gbn's homecoming this weekend and the town was painted. it was so weird feeling even more disconnected from gbn. and does gbn tv still exist??

lastly -- i went to dinner at kamehachi with the mother on saturday and was seated at a table next to a bunch of junior highers. they started singing "I Want It That Way"...BUT DIDN'T KNOW THE CORRECT LYRICS. like wtf. thinking about it...they were probably JUST born when that song came out. don't i feel old...

i'm still looking for a cute pair of all-leather booties with a hidden platform! something comfy and cute and not too crazy. and at a reasonable price. WHERE ARE THEY!?!??!

EDIT -- i also need ideas to style this top to wear out! helpppp

update 1:42 -- so i've decided to wear that with my black bandage skirt. eff that whole no-blue-and-black rule. oh and with light wash skinnies and boots during the day. woooooo

plaid shirts.

look what just got posted on fabsugar....

when i was home this weekend, i had this sudden realization that i really want a nice-fitting, stylish flannel shirt. and oh hey...it's on trend. wuddup. although i doubt i'd wear heels to class so idk. is it possible to wear them without looking too barndance-y?? i think i'd go for a more fun color than just red..because well, red just SCREAMS "hey i'm about to go milk a cow" (or w/e is a popular farmy saying..) and also, kristin's shirt is an elizabeth and james and costs $250 haha

jcrew had some really fun ones...

(the funky color combos make it more chic and less country-ish..?) and they have boy's shirts with the same patterns which are cheapler :)

and so did martin+osa...

i fell in LOVE with this at the store...its sturdy and has a really fun lining that can be seen when u roll the sleeves. the only thing i don't like are the snap buttons..oh and also its $79 price tag.

sooo thoughts?? is it worth following this trend? and -- which shirt should i go for??

Thursday, October 15, 2009

outfit ideas from the 90's??

watching 100 greatest song of the 90's on vh1...Lisa Loeb's "Stay" just came on. um...LOVE her outfit in it. (here's a screenshot of it...sorry for the horrible quality)

oh and i forgot how awesome "Stay" is. such a sweet song. and i love how awkward and cute lisa is.

"Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Bublé

is it weird that this song is now on my getting ready playlist? such a feel good tune. not gonna lie, i had it on repeat after i heard it the first time

just downloaded the CD....it's alrightttt haha. i like maybe two other songs.

but anywhooo this video is soo cute! (so much better than jm's new one..oye don't even get me started.) you go michael bublé!!

ps-going home tomorrow! wooooo

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

yay for october and shopping again!

woooo so my first purchase at no shop september was a very fun (and much needed) bandage skirt from urban.
(ok, so the skirt's not on the urban website but this is basically what it looks like. mine's a little shorter tho)

..only $48! and def a good investment. it can be worn under oversized preppy shirts (which will be hard for me to find..) to wear to classes or with fun blouses tucked in to go out. SO PUMPED

some inspirations --

found this on fabsugar today. love love love its chic yet has that oh-i-just-threw-this-on vibe. oh and loving Lo's hair and make up too.

she's just wearing an oversized tee with the skirt...yet she looks sooo put together and awesome. since my skirt's a bit shorter, i think i'd go for an even baggier top to make it less HELLO.

(and oh how amazing booties would look with this skirt...just saying)

...still searching for the perfect bootie

these. in leather. and less than $150.

(these are stuarts selling for 355 btdubbs)

Friday, October 9, 2009

subconjunctival hemorrhage

aka a popped blood vessel in my eye. i'd post a pic but it's pretty gross. this all happened after rubbing my eyes in the shower. according to google, it'll take about 2 weeks to go away. ughhhhhh

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"This is Me" by Demi Lovato

kind of obsessed with this song. yeah, i'm cool...

eating healthy at u of i --

sooo i've decided that I need to eat healthier. i'm spending a lot of money on gross food and i should try to be in better shape. soo here are some new food guidelines for moi. LIST TIMEEEEEE --

(these are some foods i've made so far...i'll post up recipes later!)
  1. LESS EATING OUT. kinda hard when i keep doing so well with food friendzy, haha. but there have been soo many times i've just bought food because it was easier and quicker than making my own. i'll only limit my eating out to merry anne's brunch and the occasional plans. oh and i know late night i will, but i'm gonna try not to haha
  2. PLAN MEALS IN ADVANCE. it'll make cooking at home easier, make me more excited about my meals, and distract me from fb stalking (yeahh...)
  3. MORE LOCAL FOODS. i should take advantage of being in a very agriculture-centric area. i'm gonna shop less at schnucks and meijer and go to common grounds and farmers markets instead :) it's better for the environment, community, and meeeee

Friday, October 2, 2009

Current Obsession [october '09]

  1. aioli of all kinds
  2. cooking
  3. my new george foreman
  4. trying to figure out my culinary POV/thinking about my FN audition (winkey face...)
  5. drinking beer with meals
  6. luke-warm water
  7. lemons
  8. hair products
  9. the voltaggio brothers