Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Things I Like [Sept 09 edition]

i refuse to accept that i'm an upperclassman. welll with how i'm going i might just end up staying in school for a bit longer...haha. but anyways it just scares me more how one of the biggest times of my lifes going by so quickly. i want to document the next two years some more.

so i thought it'd be cute to list new things i become obsessed with. (rachel zoe styled, minus the craziness) I think it'd be nice to be able to look back and see what my interest were at various times. maybe i'll do one at the beginning of each month or something.

i wonder how long i'll actually keep this up. aannywho here it goes...

The list for this month:
  1. Whiskey.
  2. Pellegrino
  3. Ice -- i actually like my drinks to be really cold now!
  4. Jazz
  5. The Universe series on the history channel
  6. Cotton/Linen blend pajama shorts --i'm not talking about soffees here.

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