so yeah, the first round of glasses did not turn out well. I HATED all of them. and the one other frames they brought in for me sucked just as bad. i was quite angry. But we luckily found a new store with pretty frames that worked for me. yayyyyy. so yeah, I went back today and have narrowed it down to two (both of which i love so this is gonna be a hard decision..)

The black version has a white trim that just looks gross. sooooo how bout tortoise??

yeahhh we thought the tortoise-y color was more fun and classy. haha. The black was a little TOO plain.
sidenote -- soo the 2nd pair are made by oliver peoples. anyone else thinking that oliver peoples sounds familiar? I just remember it from american psycho. haha. and yeahhh i'm reading the book now. woooo
blahhhh i need more time to blog :(
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