Friday, July 31, 2009

Miu Miu Studded Bow Ballet Flats

I'm in love....
too bad they're $450.

impulsive shopping rocks.

yesterday i was feeling blah and became determined to get this pretty tory burch wallet (in black)...
so i ended up calling about 4 stores and finally found/bought it. and basically spent all of the cash in my [old] wallet. but I'm happy :) its pretty and has tons of pockets to keep me organized. woohooo. although the pattern isn't parallel to the seam on mine. i just noticed today. but oh well??

definitely, maybe is DEFINITELY a good movie (i'm cool.)


synopsis ala wikipedia:

Will Hayes (Ryan Reynolds) is a 38-year-old father who is in the midst of a divorce. His 10-year-old daughter Maya (Abigail Breslin) lives with her mother but is with him twice a week. On one of these occasions she questions him about his life before marriage. After her first sex-ed class, Maya first asks and then insists on hearing the story of how her parents met and decided to get married. Will gives in, but decides to change the names and some facts, thereby creating a love mystery, with Maya guessing which of the women will be her mom. The story he tells Maya is depicted in long flashbacks. From time to time the film switches back to the present, where Maya comments and asks questions.

i love this movie. ryan reynolds is hilarious. and sooo pretty. haha. the dynamic between him and abigail bresline is sooo cute. and the movie's full of the most adorable/romantic moments that just make you swooon. i may or may not have cried twice the first time i watched it..

check it out and tell me what you thinkkk

Thursday, July 23, 2009


oh heyyyy lookie here. For all of you who aren't aware..these are Baby G watches, which were the obsessions of every middle school girl in the early 2000's. Well, technically they're all not Baby G's and some are just plain G-shocks..but whatevs, they look the same.

Courteney brought these watches to my attention while she was browsing shopbop at work a few weeks ago. A few days later at HP 6 (midnight showing, of course) Ellie told me her friend who's interning at teen people had mentioned to her that the mag was going to showcase the watches in various spreads. [Yeah these are from a while back...i've just been too busy to blog these days..sadface] I just looked on the official website and it's looking pretty fancy., so could these watches seriously be making a comeback??

At first i thought this was absolutely ridiculous. why the hell would shopbop be selling these; they just scream young, tween girl! But after some time, i'm starting to warm up to the watches and here's why:

  1. They're functional. I, of course, googled the history of G-shock. Casio made these watches to withstand shocks and water. Talk about fancy! You'll know what time it is while doing ANY activity. woooo

  2. They're on trend..ish. Bold colors and accents seem to be all the rage currently.

  3. They're delightfully tacky. Its design is from the 80's. they're bulky and not something i'd automatically think as pretty. I'm staring to think that their clunky style is fun. haha. and also -- why not play up the whole ironic thing by rocking your middle school watch?!
So i've decided to start looking for my Baby-G and totes plan on rocking it back in the 'paign. yeahhhh wuddup.

(i'll post a picture of my beauty once i can find it!!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

sooo my mom's been out of town...

...and i've been living off of take-out and microwaveable foods. Especially these bad boys:

all vegan. and all fuckin addictive. it only takes 2 minutes from freezer to deliciousnessssss. I'm def bringing cases of these down to school.

"Much Better" by Jonas Brothers

I'm totally digging this song. And not in a omg-this-is-so-poppy-i-love-it way, but actually in a wow-this-is-quality-music way. anddd those hyphens were very uneccssary. anywhoo

Number one reason -- it bashes Taylor Swift...just kidding haha. I think the lyrics are really cute and seem genuine. The melody is pretty and I really like the structure of the chorus.

My only complaint is the guitar solo toward the end. It just doesn't really go with the song. The song is sweet and simple and I feel like the instrumental solo is soo cheesy and almost ruins that.

Would it be bad if I used garageband to cut it out??

aaaanyways, enjoy.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

sooo i need glasses (round two...)

so yeah, the first round of glasses did not turn out well. I HATED all of them. and the one other frames they brought in for me sucked just as bad. i was quite angry. But we luckily found a new store with pretty frames that worked for me. yayyyyy. so yeah, I went back today and have narrowed it down to two (both of which i love so this is gonna be a hard decision..)
The black version has a white trim that just looks gross. sooooo how bout tortoise??
yeahhh we thought the tortoise-y color was more fun and classy. haha. The black was a little TOO plain.

sidenote -- soo the 2nd pair are made by oliver peoples. anyone else thinking that oliver peoples sounds familiar? I just remember it from american psycho. haha. and yeahhh i'm reading the book now. woooo

blahhhh i need more time to blog :(

Thursday, July 2, 2009

wooohooo shopping for eyeglasses!

I'm between these two!! They're ordering them in a wider size and I get to try them on next week. woooooooooo