Sunday, November 29, 2009

8/10 -- not too shabby!

Smile Politely (another CU food blog) just posted this article...

The Top 10 new restaurants of the decade
10. Taco Loco
9. Escobar's*
8. KoFusion*
7. Xinh Xinh Cafe*
6. Thara Thai
5. Luna*
4. Siam Terrace*
3. Bombay Indian Grill*
2. Farren's*
1. Black Dog Smoke and Ale House*
(* = where swong has eaten)

pretty good list, imo. so glad to see that farrens and black dog are the top two. totes agree with that. but surprised siam terrace is #4. i've gone twice and both times i thought the food was kinda overpriced and bleh (basil thai is muuuuch better!) i'm curious about thara tho. and escobars should be higher than #8. they have delish latin inspired food AND FREE MUFFINS. (one time the free muffins were banana/chocolate/coconut/caramel....just think about that)

anywhoo i have two to still check out -- let's go!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in for both! (or any, sadly I haven't eaten at ANY of these...)
