Tuesday, February 15, 2011

v-day pizza and beer

well...homemade white pizza with arugula and peroni beer :)
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Thursday, February 10, 2011


click the pic and enter!!!!!

it only takes like two seconds to sign up and IT'S WORTH $500!!! and you can opt out of getting any sort of email from the site. alinea was voted as the best restaurant in north america and #7 in the world. i was lucky enough to go on my 21st bday but was so starstruck and made a fool of myself when i met the head chef/owner.

so do it! and if you win please take me so i can redo that encounter hehe. oh and cuz you like me :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

taking my love for starbucks to-go cups to a whole new level.

oh. my. goodness.

(yo CAL, this is dedicated to you)

united states of good beer

good.is (i got directed here from grubstreet) asked its readers to nominate "the most awesome, best-tasting, sustainably brewed, independently owned, community-oriented craft beer brewed in your state". these are the results.

if there's anything i'm as interested in as food it's beer. definitely since the whole turning-21-thing. i mean..my first legal drinks were beers at alinea. i think that says a lot haha

so yeah, i've been trying to increase my beer iq by ordering new brewskies on tap at restaurants and picking up fun-looking six packs at stores.

(oh, and there have been the multiple times where i've taken pictures and planned on blogging about ones i've had. totes a fail. whoops.)

but anywho this looks like a list worth going through! i'm at 10/49 so far.