Wednesday, January 19, 2011


one of my christmas gifts this year was the zoku popsicle maker. i may have been talking about it since november when i found out i was getting it...

so eating the winter? yeahh usually i'd be like def no. but when they're made with a cool machine and take less than 8 minutes to make..HELL YEAH WOOO.

this machine is awesome. and i'm in lurve.
(oh heyyyy there pretty)

for its first run, becca and i decided to make popsicles of the alcoholic sort (obviously...) we tried to make cool stripes but got too impatient and didn't really know how much to fill. so they didn't turn out too pretty. after some practice i think i'll be able to make these bad boys.

(our popsicle!)

orange layer = orange juice and moscato wine
pink layer = peach/raspberry tea, strawberry puree, moscato wine, tripe sec.

they were good and not too sweet. we didn't put too much alch because we were afraid they wouldn't freeze. it'd be interesting to see how much we can actually put in. (hm...freezing point depression calculating party?!?!?)

updates on pretty designs and yummy flavors to come :)

spotted on bd's facebook page.

i mean, i might already have most of this memorized...but w/e. still awesome.

Monday, January 10, 2011

omg josh groban has an online cooking show

and of course it's hilarious. and i spent all 8+ minutes giggling.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What I Made: Roasted Brussel Sprouts

(sometimes i can make good food. and take pretty pictures of em.)

i got inspired to make these because i had gotten some roasted brussel sprouts over tgiving break from whole foods. altho very yummy...i realized i could make it at home and not have it cost me ( mom) $8/pound.

soo fast forward to winter break and oh..what do they have at costco?? humongo bags of brussel sprouts of course! scorez.

using recipes i've done for roasting other vegetables (and my innate chef-ness, duhhh) this is how i made em:

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 2 lb brussel sprouts, cut in half
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Cut the brussel sprouts in half and toss them with the oil, minced garlic, and salt & pepper to taste*.
Spread the sprouts over two of the biggest baking pans you have so they have space to cook.

bake for about 15 minutes.**

* I've been having issues with over-salting recently so i kinda cut back on it and just salted at the table, ha. but pepper.... we're bffs so i kinda added more than a normal person would
** i just took em out when i could smell the garlic and don't remember exactly how long they were in there...ha
i gotta say -- they were better than WF's. i think since i wasn't making 100's of pounds of the stuff, i was able to spread em out on the pan more so they crispy at the edges. also, i used evoo (WF used canola, i believe) which gave a better flavor. aaand i had em pretty peppery, hehe. will i be making these again?? hell yes. any tweeks? MAKING MOREEE. my mom and i went through these wayy too quickly :(

Spotted at whole foods

I understand the convenience of pre-cut fruit..but already-peeled clementines?? They're so fun (read:easy) to peel!!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Monday, January 3, 2011

ohh josh groban *heart*

here's my holiday gift to you - 30 minutes of josh groban's adorableness. if you didn't already know, josh groban is one of my not-so secret celeb loves (after mark ronson, adam brody obvs).

so why you ask?
ummm WATCH HIM HOST NEVER MIND THE BUZZCOCKS. he's hilarious! and his comedic timing's great. and i love his ability to make fun of himself and career.

and if you're all like "psh..its just the writers" watch this, the episode from two years ago when he was a guest on the show.

he's great. oh and so is his twitter!!