Ok.. I, in no way, am in the position to be a beer snob. A) I don't think I know enough about beer. B) I don't have the funds to be that selective.
So I have my own way to rate beers based on taste, alcohol level, and cost.
The perfect beer for swongy is hoppy, 7.
5abv or higher, and less than $8 for a 6 pack. (Aka...Bell's two hearted lol)
So how did moretti compare??
Flavor -- like keystone w a fruity aroma
ABV -- 4.6 which is higher than a light beer aka its decent
Price -- 4.50 for a bottle at Dave's italian kitchen
Basically....this beer sucks. If keystone is at a 0, this is at a -10 because it not only tastes worse, it costs a lot too! (And it also loses points for deceiving me w its fancy bottle..) food science classes have taught me that that fruity aromas can come from ketones...so could it be that moretti doesn't hide its alcohol taste well??
In any case, I tried to try something new and got extremely disappointed :( next time I want an Italian beer, ill stick w perroni.
(Ps ...Woo new fancy phone I can blog on hehe.)