Thursday, November 25, 2010

Spotted at Dominick's

I like egg nog and I like tea, egg nog flavored tea? Gross.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010

mac n (goat) cheese

becca and i have been planning on making homemade, lactose free, baked mac n (goat) cheese for months. we never got around to making it due to laziness and uncontrollable cheese snackage...whoopsies.

but we finally made it. and it was delish. and it only only gave us a mild tummy ache. wooo

here a pic of our final product (jk, it was actually like 1/3 of what was actually made...) --

how we made it:

Mac n (goat) cheese [modified from ina, of course]

  • Salt
  • 1 pound Barilla Plus elbow macaroni
  • 1 quart soy milk
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 8 ounces goat milk mozzarella
  • 8 ounces goat milk cheddar
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

boil water and cook the pasta according to the directions on the package.

while the pasta's cooking, heat the soymilk in a small saucepan over low heat. in a large pot, heat the olive oil over low heat and whisk in the flour. cook for 3 minutes and continue stirring. Slowly ladle in the soymilk and make sure to completely mix each time. this avoid lumps!! after all of the milk is added, add the cheeses, a tablespoon of salt and 1/2 tablespoon of pepper (or more...). add the pasta, mix, and pour it all into greased baking sheets.

bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the sauce is bubbly and the macaroni is browned on the top.

our thoughts??
it took a long time to make! we luckily made a salad to eat while the mac n cheese was in the oven. the flavor was reaaally good and def didn't feel like we were missing out on anything. the mac n cheese did feel a little grainy and i'm not sure if that's because of how goat cheese melts or because we had 4 oz less cheese than ina's recipe. the topping was crispy and yummy but could have been better with some breadcrumbs on top.

so tips for next time:
  1. have a snack available while making this.
  2. use 12 ounces of both cheeses.
  3. sprinkle some breadcrumbs on top. there should be enough oil in the sauce to toast it.

WOOOO POSTING ABOUT COOKING AGAIN. and i'll keep you posted bout the next time we make it with the modification :)


apparently food is fashionable. the wall street journal just printed an article this so it's legit news.

in it, they mention various fashion houses opening restaurants in their stores, chefs being in fashion magazines, and barney's use of chefs for their holiday window displays.

according to the article, barney's creative director simon doonan (who i fell in love with watching i love the 80's/90's) said they chose food stars for their holiday windows because "we looked around for what's bubbling up in the culture this year and we realized that everyone's obsessed with these icons of food culture. Our customers want to eat at the new Batali place as much as they want the new Céline bag."

first off -- hollahhh my love of food is so trendy. gosh i'm so cool. and number two-- OMG CULINARY STARS AND PRETTY CLOTHES (AND CHRISTMAS). THAT'S SO AWESOME.

but um....

(from the wsj)

WTF. ina would NEVER wear a snuggy. nor look that creepy. rachael ray tho in the back?? spot on. ha.

oh, and in the chi town spot they're doing hometown chefs. oh heyyyy grant achatz.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spotted on undercover boss..

Wooo smoler counting money and being on national tv for 5 secondss
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swongy's take on pizza and a beer.

sometimes waiting 40+ minutes for dinner just isn't doable. even if it's for dinner at black dog. one of these times happened last friday night. instead, a certain unnamed person and i decided to pick up a 6 pack and a pizza.

but hi. i'm stephanie wong. i'm not going to do keystone and $5 papa john's for dinner. (at 2 am..that might be another story..) but this was going to take the place of a very yummy brisket sandwich (with hot georgia peach sauce and a side of twiced-baked potato casserole...)!!!!

many of you (slashh maybe 1 of you) know mirabelle as a cute bakery in downtown urbana that has delish croissants and super early closing times (3pm on saturdays?! like really). what you may not know is that they make pizzas friday and saturday nights. i only found this out from this article in smile politely over the summer.

the night we went, they had margerita pizzas but we decided to go for the veggie goat cheese pizza. mr. baker-man said it was "his most popular". so how could we not?

(sorry i couldn't get a good pic and i was too hungry to keep trying..)

the pizza had a tomato sauce and caramelized onions, green and red peppers, artichoke hearts, fresh grape tomatoes sprinkled over it. in addition to goat cheese, the pizza was covered with some hard cheese. it tasted saltier than mozzerella but it might have just been that, ha. the crust was really good. according to the smile politely article, homedude takes his breadmaking seriously. and it shows! it was chewy and crusty but still moist and buttery. but for the pizza as a whole -- i was more ehh. don't get me wrong -- it was a good pizza. but honestly, i kinda got bored with it after 1.5 slices. the toppings and everything together were just kinda mehh. and i still think the pizza with the salad on top from bread company is my fave in the c-u.

with that said, i'd be up for stopping by again. i really want to like the place after re-reading the smile politely article. i find the whole it's-kinda-a-secret thing awesomeee (ummm i'm all about knowing things other ppl don't!) aaaand i like that he only makes 20 pies per night. and that he really cares about what he's doing. so what if his most popular one was only so-so to me. there are still other combos to try...and deep dish! they have a facebook page with status updates about the pizzas available each weekend. so i'll go back when there's an interesting sounding pizza.

ok so yeah, the title says pizza AND beer.

we decided to go with two brother's bitter end. two brothers is a local brewery that we've heard about and words like "bitter" and "pale ale" sounded cool. so that's how we painstakingly chose it, lolz. i like this beer. easy to drink, decent bubble size, crisp and slightly bitter. did it go with the pizza? not really. it kind of needed to be either more hoppy or more dark to go against the pizza. it may have added to the "i'm bored with this after a slice and a half" thing. whoops. but i'd drink it again..just not with that pizza. this beer would be good with something spicy or intense with flavor. i'd do it with something like chipotle (or black dog...)

if u wanna get a pizza with me next time lemme know :)

and wooo i'm food blogging again. i have another post comin soon about lula cafe in the chi!