Sunday, February 28, 2010

this + my wellies = SO MUCH FUN IN THE RAIN

(via fabsugar)
^from like 4 days ago..whooops.
The Michelle Obama Look Book 2010
so. great.

kind of want. thoughts??

so i have a problem with buying things just because they're on sale and are a "good deal". i'm wondering if that's the case going on here. keep in mind that while i am shopping, i'm also trying to refine my clost a lot. so the question really is -- do i absolutely need this?

Spotted hanging in my basement...

A whale rocking pink wayfarers?!?! Of course ill be bringing this back w me.
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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spotted at whole foods...

Oh, those aren't cartons of pudding or's buttercream frosting. ohmygeeezy
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look what free people is selling

oh hey, keds.

i do like how nerdy and old-school they look. back to square one with this whole thing. oye.

ok, so i may be obsessed with selena gomez...

loooooove this song. totes on the running mix.

Friday, February 26, 2010

omg. most awesome squirrel EVER.

extremely fascinated by food..

enjoys eating from other people's plates...

a fan of beer.

hmmm sounds like someone else i know... ;)

(pics from J. Kenji Lopez-Alt via serious eats)

steven colbert + RL olympic wear + expensive cheeses + fondue + beer pong + a million more awesome things....

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Olympic International Houses
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorSkate Expectations

(via serious eats)

vintage chanel being auctioned off in paris

story from huffington post.

well, i'm not gonna fly to paris nor do i have thousands to spend. ugh. i just want those sneaks! so tacky and awesome. :(

You-pick-6 from friar tucks :)

Wooo for tina being 21! As you can see, one has already been opened..and is currently being enjoyed hehe. I picked these 6 because I had either heard about them or thought they had a pretty label. Yeah...haha. Ill let yall know how each is!
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spotted on the quad..

My act of defiance to winter -- pink nails. This dude's..? Mesh shorts. And let me tell you..its def not shorts weather here. (I think its funny he's rocking a coat and hat tho) Kudos to you, random stranger, kudos.
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Seen in this week's bar specials..

Peace out white ho.. :(
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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

ugh too fab for words.

Vegan irish cream..?

Made this more out desperation since I'm running low...and had nothing else to drink haha. But it actually turned out really good! I think the protein in the soymilk may have denatured from of the alch because the drink was a lot creamier than i expected. Made w soymilk, jameson, splenda, and ice :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

paul kahan aka baller chef who owns backbird, avec, big star and the publican

he's too cool for school.

anthony bourdain on yo gaba gaba 3/10. CAN'T WAIT.

anthony bourdain just keeps racking up points for awesomeness. he also is "obsessed" with jersey shore. hollaaaaa

shamrock shakes

(pic from mickey d's)

so apparently these bad boys have been available since last week. this is what happens when you're avoiding fast miss out on the latest things going on :(

i am willing to take 10 lactaids and run 5+ miles to enjoy just one cup of this minty, dairy-filled awesomeness. no joke. who wants to join???

banana nut oatmeal

from serious eats --

Banana Nut Oatmeal

- serves 1 -


1 tablespoon chopped walnuts
1 slightly overripe banana
1/2 cup Quaker old-fashioned oatmeal
1/4 cup skim or 1% milk
1/3 cup water
3 teaspoons honey, separated
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
A few shakes cinnamon
1 shake nutmeg
A few dashes Kosher salt


1. In a small pan, toast walnuts. Remove from heat and set aside.

2. Cut banana in half. Chop one half into chunks and set aside. In your breakfast bowl, mash the other half with a fork until it forms a wet puree.

3. In a small pot, combine banana puree, oatmeal, milk, water, 2 teaspoons honey, vanilla extract, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Heat over medium until it reaches your preferred consistency, stirring occasionally.

4. Pour oatmeal into your breakfast bowl. Top with walnuts and banana chunks. Drizzle with remaining teaspoon honey.

substitute the milk for soy and this sounds like a great weekend brunch idea. why the weekend you might ask? let's be real here..i wake up mayyyyybe 20 minutes before my classes. i have all of these ingredients on hand already wooot. lemme know if ya'll wanna join :)

ohhh jm

idk why the dude who uploaded this split it up. u gotta listen to it together. but w/e. kinda forgot about this song(s) until it came up on my study playlist. so pretty and awesome.

michelle o so fab at the governor's ball.

(from huffington post)

love her simple, clean, cool-toned make up. light pink nails ;). and well, she's michelle o. so let's be real here..

continuing on posting unattainable things..

proenza schouler large python ps1. oh you know, just $4,250. so pretty.

subscribing to L2O's blog is probably a bad idea.

(from l20blog)
"Our baker Noe made a tray of his own recipe for potato bread. We bake whole garlic and potato on a bed sea salt until they are soft and fully cooked. Then incorporate pulp of both the garlic and potato into the dough. Made into small elegant rolls the rustic ingredients turn into a sophisticated product."
complete droolage.

seeing as i probs won't go back until my next birthday (if i'm lucky..)...this is a problem.

Monday, February 22, 2010

new obsession -- SMOOOOTHIESSS

don't worry -- it's all unsweetened frozen fruit, soy milk and a splash of orange juice. today i did bananas, strawberries and blueberries :)

these are good for me because they're easy to eat in the morning (i'm not much of a breakfast person on school days...) and fill my tummy up with fiber, protein and antioxidants so i don't go on a huge snack hunt between classes. this also gets me to eat strawberries (i hate eating fresh strawberries now...yeah, i'm weird.) andddd i have accumulated a shitton of bananas in my freezer from not eating them in time. so now i can use those up too haha

sweet outfit selena gomez

(picture from justjared)

easy and relaxed yet still dressy enough for the golf course. and i like her hair too.

oh, and i guess this would warrent a point for side chucks...

what would my life be without google?????

Sunday, February 21, 2010

ummm really?? and this is necessary because..

so uh, i think i wanna look for a denim jacket again

(from the sartorialist)

...and a brown leather jacket. no biggie. but seriously -- how awesome her mix of prep/motorcycle edginess/bohemianess. (all words i clearly just made up...)

and i really like her bag too...maybe in brown tho ;) ;)

but going back on topic -- there was a good 2-week-period last summer when i felt like I NEEDED a denim jacket. it was weird. for all of ya'll who had to deal with me then, sorry. i legit didn't even shop for anything else. only a denim jacket. anddd i couldn't find one that i liked...shocker.

seeing this woman's super fab outfit makes me want one again. esp for spring. i think it'd be a fun, edgy alternative to cardis. and it would help dress down a lot of my otherwise dressy sundresses. i'm thinking i should shoot for something more like this from abercrombie --

it won't be as intense as a denim jacket but still have that feel. andd i could rock it with dress shorts or darker denims (to go with the whole denim-on-denim trend haha).


Saturday, February 20, 2010

omg ina garten.

ina garten, the host of barefoot contessa, is by far my favorite food network personality. she has a totally awesome life in the hamptons and makes amazingly fabulous, yet accessible, food. we all know i want to be just like her when i grow up and wear oversized dress shirts, cook all day, and be married to a nerdy jewish man.

on today's episode she invited ppl over to have a picnic on her porch. she made a shrimp salad, tabouleh and feta pita sandwiches, and ginger cookies.

but the kicker -- each person got a bottle of veuve clicquot with a straw. ina apparently didn't think it was necessary to "fuss" with glasses.

hmm...drinking a $40 bottle of champagne with a straw? that sounds familiar --

(this girl happens to be one of my best friends, no big deal.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Its soooo nice out!!

..I'd like to think my choice of nail polish has something to do with that ;)

I should note that when I say nice I mean that its sunny and its not a freezing temp (I'm gonna say lower 40s?)

sooo my mom just sent me an e-mail today telling me she bought a groupon for cafe 28 and that she couldn't wait to go there with me. i did some googling (cuz really...what else do i do with my life??), and cafe 28 looks awesomee. they serve upscale mexican and cuban food and are supposed to have a great bar. wooooot. (altho many reviewers say their drinks are really sweet...not woot-worthy) my mom and i are big weekend brunch/late lunch-ers and this place seems great for that.

it has gotten great reviews on metromix and was well-liked by all three diners when it was featured in check, please! (there are vids of the feature but it won't let me embed them hurr)

i'll let ya'll know how it is!

(and how awesome is my mom for subscribing to groupon?? oh and for willing to wait for me to go)

on sale at tory burch...

only $795. haha. ugh but hwo amazing is this outfit?!! lovin' the all black look (something i'm def wanting to try!). and i really like the mix of soft, delicate ruffles and edgy boots and bag.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

When Did Male Figure Skating Get So Sexxxy?: A Guide

from best week ever's blog. ahhh yess. hilarious. and of course my boy johnny weir is in it!

starting to get sick of winter and its grossness.

for a little pick-me-up i decided to get a mani with my spring/summer color let them eat rice cake. so glad i chose it. a nice pop of fun color after having dark blue for the past few months :)

crossroads guitar festival -- 6/26/2010

Eric Clapton / Steve Winwood / Allman Brothers Band / John Mayer / Jeff Beck / ZZ Top / Robert Cray / Buddy Guy / BB King / David Hidalgo & Cesar Rosas of Los Lobos/ Jimmie Vaughan / Hubert Sumlin / Robert Randolph / Albert Lee / Keb Mo / Sonny Landreth / Sheryl Crow / Earl Klugh / Bert Jansch / Vince Gill / Joao Gilberto / Pino Daniele / Joe Bonamassa / Gary Clark Jr. / Doyle Bramhall II / Jonny Lang


more tasty looking balls. hehehehhhe

(from via slashfood)

cake balls!! like cupcakes but with a higher frosting-(or chocolate) to-cake-ratio. yummmz

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

mmm some more delishious sweets on a stick

i posted a picture of pie pops earlier, and now there's this -- macaroons on a stick!

(photo from serious eats)

daily dose of cuteness

the olympic zamboni!!!!!

even i find this beyond creepy.

jacob black and edward cullen man-llows. thank you best week ever....

these are for reals, yo. you can buy them for $35 here.

i'm all up for being a fanatic for things and buying/doing whatever makes you happy. but seriously, wow.

caroline lavery.

i know you're online right now. get on aim and/or fbchat right now. i miss you.
Eat for Eight Bucks: French Onion Soup.

it's supposed to make four servings, but with my eating habits...that'd be more like 2 (if we're lucky..) soup date anyone??

Data Visualization: Food Consumption and Obesity Maps

from serious eats --

check out the chicagoland area. yippeeee

and this will remind me to keep eating more fruits and veggies!! haha

i'm in love.

he has no chance of winning (or really medaling...) but i'm still totes rooting for him.

i love Blackberry and i love trying new nail color trends, but i don't love this -

oh hey ya'll. there's a new thing in manicures. The blackberry bling.
According to glamour --
"Blackberry Bling is when you paint your thumbs a flashy color that's different from the rest of your nails, so they stand out as you type on--you guessed it--your Blackberry."
(pics from

i could see maybe adding extra top coat to prevent chipping on your thumbies but a diff shiny color? WEIRD WEIRD WEIRDDD. if u want ur nails to "stand out" just pain all of ur nails a fun color, geeeeeez.

Monday, February 15, 2010

adding to that list of team usa hotties

omg, just found my favorite american olympian -- johnny weir.

he's a male figure skater who's totally fab. case in point --

gotta love a boy who can rock the ashley face. ohhh and he got in trouble with peta for having fur in his costume to the right.

andd then there's this interview he did with bellasugar. my fav statement of his :
"I highlight what I think is good about my face. I make sure to brush my eyelashes so my eyes are wide and alive. I make sure not to wear any muddy foundations that will cover up my natural skin tone, and I highlight my bone structure with bronzing powder. Highlighting the goodness in what your mama gave you is what beauty is all about."

this stuff is more than two years old, sorry.

but i just discovered the amazingness that is mark ronson! i mean, i knew about mark ronson..but just that he's the brother of samamtha and charlotte ronson. i didn't realize how aweeeesome his music is!

and on top of that he's beautiful -- here's a close up pic.

oh and there's more reasons why i'm in love with him --
  • raised an orthodox jew
  • grew up spending time between nyc and london aka AWESOMEEE accent
  • he proposed to rashida jones by making a customized crossword that spelled out "will you marry me?" (they broke up tho)
  • he did a line of sneakers with gucci
  • plays 23798234 different instruments
anndd he did this song! who knew!?

betsey johnson fall '10 rtw

(from, duh)

uhhh really wtf? i mean, i know betsey johnson does weird things but really...what is going on with the mustaches?

and ohhh my prom dress (which i looooooove) may or may not have been by her..

ok, now i feel kinda bad. according to the huffington post, she was trying to do a tribute to alexander mcqueen. but ehhh

dvf fall '10 rtw

(photo from

how fun is that cardi!??!?! WANT WANT WANT.

it's snowing again...

(photo from urlesque via

amen, pensive snowman, aaaamen.

happy chinese new year!!

Watch CBS News Videos Online

baby tigers and penguins...does it really get any cuter than that??

roasted potatoes

(yay to iphoto for making this a badass pic)

remember when i said i'd post pics of food i made? kinda forgot about that..whooops.

soo here are some roasted potatoes from a while back.

ingredients --
4 or 5 red potatoes
1 clove garlic
1/2 tsp fresh thyme
3 tbsp evoo
salt and pepper

put a pan in the oven and preheat it to to425 (sounds weird but you do it so the pan's hot when u add the potatoes). wash cut the potatoes into 1/2 inch cubes. add chopped garlic, evoo, thyme, salt and pepper to the potatoes and toss. roast for about 40 mins, flipping the potatoes halfway.

and that's it!

team usa olympic hotties

sooo earlier i wrote a response to ashley's DI opinions article about our lack of interest in the olympics that's currently going on. maybe if we knew about this list beauties that huff post has graciously compiled.

(uhhh let's just say i'll def be watching me some cross country skiing..)

altho i don't get why shaun white wasn't in it.

sidenote -- does anyone remember jeremy bloom? ohhh total swoooooon. esp cuz he was an amazing freestyle skiier AND football player.

"the new math on campus"

an article about the dating scene on college campuses was published in the nytimes. the article discusses how the dating scene has changed because there are more girls on campus than boys. it's actually pretty interesting/a bit too honest haha. check it out hereeee

UPDATE -- so i just checked and u of i is actually 53% male. but if you take out the population of enginerds and foreign exchange students then maybe there's still more girls? in any case still very interesting that nytimes has picked up on this.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

battle of the white canvas sneakers.

keds champions vs converse chuck taylors.


cute picture.

from boy by band of outsider's blog. they're one of my fav brands (that i can't afford..obvs). in addition to the awesome clothes, look how beautiful dave franco is. and yes, those are boat shoes next to him.

another dress from thread social

it's $185!! so cheaper than the last dres...but still out of my price range :( but how prettyyyyyy