Tuesday, August 4, 2009

watching center stage!

i'm loving the movies HBO has on! there's been Definitely, Maybe and now Center Stage, which i'm watching right now. i didn't realize how raunchy this movie was.... damn how was i allowed to watch this as a 10 year old!? i def missed a looooot of the stuff here (thankfully). anywho Charlie is such a cutie. throughout the movie he's the one chasing after jody, who's obsessed with bigshot cooper nielsen.

(a total hunk, tight spandex and all)
the movie was pretty lame but i still liked it. haha

EDIT: it was being played on HBO family!??!!??! ok--there are like 2 sex scenes and tons of talk about getting it on. WTF


those who follow my blog may recall a previous post about a free people dress i wanted. andddd how it looked like a dress I already had. i would post a picture of me wearing it, but oh wait...someone by the name of lisa malvin has yet to post her 2nd semester pictures.

the one on the left is by ali ro (similar to the one i own). the other's by white house black market.

i love my ali ro dress. fuck you white house black market. you're like a year late. and the material's shitty. it's like stretchy cotton that just makes the dress look cheap in-person. and there isn't a a cool racerback. annd you're still charging like $100 for that piece of copied crap.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

jcrew fall catalog

soooo i was checking out the j.crew catalog today. loooove the new stuff and the way they styled things.

Things i'm taking from the August '09 catalog:
  1. tights CAN be worn in warm weather (yay!)
  2. I should really get on the whole buying-dressy-shorts thing (and pair them with tights when it gets colder!!)
  3. a little bit of mismatching can be totes fab

But something i'm still on the fence about--dressy shoes worn with socks. The only time i wear socks are with either gym shoes or boots. But maybe socks can be worn more often??


i'm liking the booties with the socks. it adds some extra oomph to the shoes and i'm sure it makes small ankles look less awkard in them. But idk about the others; they're a bit strange. think drivers look best w/ bare feet. I think with heels it makes it a bit too casual, which i guess might be alright for going out? but for work no wayys. and oxfords...well they're impossible to pull off so i guess if you can might as well go all out and wear hot pink socks.
